
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Confessions of a State Fair Junky

It's the end of August. The days are hot, summer's nearly over, and Minnesotans have gathered once again for the Great Minnesota Get-together... a.k.a. the State Fair.

Who can resist?

In my past life, the Fair experience always included eating lots of really bad food, mostly fried and on a stick. My favorites have included cinnamon buns, corn dogs (of course), cheese curds, roasted corn on the cob, copious amounts of sugary drinks, ice cream, and the famous bucket of cookies. Every year the vendors add some new fried or exotic food. It seems to be a contest to see who can come up with the most crazy or bizarre new food. This year the fried fruit stand had breaded and deep-fried cream cheese-stuffed olives. They sounded really good, but I resisted. I couldn't get past the deep-fried part.

Two years ago, I went low-carb, and yet I was still able to find some tasty meat offerings-- turkey drumsticks, grilled pork chops, "bull bites," and even alligator...on a stick. However, since swearing off of processed foods, trying to enjoy the food side of the fair is a challenge, to say the least.

This year I started out with the best intentions. My daughter and I love to go on opening day, as we did again this year. I know it's bad, but I bought the too-large caramel cinnamon roll. And I ate the whole thing. Then we had to have the sweet corn. You just can't go to the Minnesota State Fair and not have sweet corn dipped in butter. Supper was a turkey drumstick and I was feeling pretty proud of myself for not succumbing to the fried foods. Water replaced soda pop (pats on the back...pat pat pat). But then we wandered past the Heritage Square ice cream stand where they make real milkshakes with real milk and real ice cream-- not organic, but at least it doesn't come from some powdered mix loaded with artificial ingredients. Okay, the ice cream probably had its share of artificial ingredients, but I'm chalking it up to impending heat stroke. I caved in and got myself a mocha shake. Go ahead and call me a hypocrite now because I'm just getting started.

Today, I went back to the fair a second time-- this time with my husband, Mark. Now, as much as much as he loves me, Mark is not very good at keeping me accountable. Being an early bird, he's up at the crack of dawn (sometimes before) and wanted to beat the heat by going early. I, on the other hand, drag out of bed in the morning because I have to, and don't usually eat for a couple hours thereafter, so I didn't have breakfast before we left the house. So I arrived hungry. My first food stop was a place called the French Meadow, an organic pastry shop. I had their peach filled scone - yum. Points for me in the organic category, but not so much in the carbs and sweets category. Then came the sweet corn, some wine tasting, and finally a grilled pork chop. Not too bad considering the general Fair fare, but in the end, I was unable to resist the chocolate chip cookies. I did NOT buy the bucket, but I did get a paper cone overflowing with the little two-inch cookie treats and Mark and I shared them on the bus ride home.

I was a bad girl. There, I admit it! My name is Cathy, and I'm a State Fair junky.

We all fall off that proverbial wagon from time to time. As penance, I made steamed broccoli (with butter) and hamburger patties for supper. The fair is over for another year and I have promised to give my body a chance to recover before I punish it again with bad food.

Fortunately, the good Lord designed our bodies with the capacity to recover from minor and short-lived abuses.

In all Fair-ness, the Fair was not entirely bad for me. I did walk and walk and walk. Twice! Walking is good. I visited the Health building and had my blood pressure taken. It was down! All that saturated fat I've been eating has been helping. My weight is stable. That made me happy. And today, the guy who was using his innovative new machine to measure my AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products) so he could sell me his expensive product guessed my age at six years younger than I really am-- who doesn't love to hear something like that?! 

In a few days, the Fair will close up shop for another year.  I have washed off the sweat, scrubbed the Fair dirt off my feet, and forgiven myself for my dietary indiscretions. Next year I'll have another chance to make good choices. Frankly, every day I have another chance to make good choices, as do you.

Have a fabulous Labor Day weekend. There's still time to get to the Fair ...and I hear the weather for the next two days will be beautiful!  No judgment from me on your food choices... just this once.

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